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Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17 - Birthday Overload!

Happy Birthday Jessica, Carrie, Bob and TJ!

Happy Birthday Jessica!

I met Jessica at my old job. We worked very closely and because of it we became soooo close. I can not imagine my life with out her. 

My favorite memory of Jessica has got to be at one of our co-workers weddings. I can't tell the whole story because it is way to embarrassing but I will say it involves beer, dancing and blow holes! ;) Jess will understand! 

Love you Girl!!


Happy Birthday Carrie!

I met Carrie through my friend and college roommate Jessica. I believe the first time was at the Dundore cabin either that or at Pride in Minneapolis -- shout out to Darcey!! --

My favorite memory of Carrie has got to be from a trip her and fiancee (wooohhoooo) came and visited me in Chicago this past spring. After a fun and boozy night at the bars Alesha went home early and passed out. Next thing she knows it's 5 in the morning and the lala's are no where to be found and she has over 20 missed calls... yep she locked them out.... SORRY!

Love you Carrie! I can't wait for your wedding in August! 

oh and p.s. GO PACK GO! 

Happy Birthday Bob!

Bob is the father of one of my dearest and oldest friends the now Brittany Johnson! Bob has had to put up with me and his daughters shenaganes for over 13 years! 

My favorite memory of Bob is the night he taught us how to play butt darts. We were in their kitchen drinking and Bob suggested we play butt darts, we had no idea what that was. He proceeds to get some quarters and some shot glasses and well... breaks some shot glasses showing us how to play the game. 

Love you Bob!


Happy Birthday TJ!

I met TJ also through my college roommate and friend Jessica, he is her brother.

My favorite memory of TJ is actually a memory that I don't remember... It was the night of Jessica's wedding and him and Carrie and Megan carried me to my room. Thanks again TJ! lol

Hope you have an amazing birthday!! 


This Day in History:

On this day in 1885, the dismantled State of Liberty, a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of America, arrives in New York Harbor after being shipped across the Atlantic Ocean in 350 individual pieces packed in more than 200 cases. The copper and iron statue, which was reassembled and dedicated the following year in a ceremony presided over by U.S. President Grover Cleveland, became known around the world as an enduring symbol of freedom and democracy. (via 


Celebrity Birthday:

Barry Manilow

He just screams sex... lol 


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