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Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 30 - Happy Pride!!!

Happy Pride!!!!

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My first Pride was in Minnesota about three years ago. It was the first time I met my Lalas and spent and entire weekend with the amazing Brent Dunore. I thank pride every day for these friendships because while I know we would have all eventually gotten so close pride really sped things up. 

Pride means so much to me, it's a beacon of hope, celebration, pride and a reminder that while we have come a long ways we still have a ways to go for equality. 

I want to tell a quick story to really drive home how far we have to go. I had an experience last night while out celebrating pride where I was discriminated for being straight and celebrating pride, by a gay man. A man threw a cup at my friends and I and while we just brushed it off he decided he was going to be confrontational. After ranting about how someone threw a cup at him he went on to attack me saying "is she a lesbian?" "hu?" "no? then she shouldn't be here." My friend tried to defend me saying "you wake up tomorrow and think about what you just said" luckily he turned around and shut up but it really pissed us all off. He who fights for equality just discriminated someone who fights for him. When I think about it today it makes today and the fight for equality even more important to me (if that is even possible lol). It showed me that there is so much discrimination in the world and not until we are all equal will it start to stop. 

I walk tall today as I head over to the pride parade with my friends and know that there are very few things I fight more for than equality. 

Happy Pride Everyone!


Chicago Pride Parade History:

The first parade was organized on Saturday, June 27, 1970, as a march from Washington Square Park ("Bughouse Square") to the Water Tower at the intersection of Michigan and Chicago avenues


Celebrity Birthday:

Michael Phelps

Mmm Happy Pride Boys


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